Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness



Organ Donation and Transplant Ireland (ODTI) (formerly the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Office (NODTO)) was established to provide governance, integration and leadership for Organ Donation and Transplantation in Ireland.  The Office is dedicated to saving and improving lives by improving organ donation rates in Ireland.

The Irish Kidney Association is a charitable voluntary organisation dedicated to meeting the needs of renal patients and their families and carers who are living with and affected by end stage renal disease. It endeavours through its work to ease the burden and trauma of the patient and family and it provides services directly, and acts as a conduit for accessing services. The IKA promotes organ donation through constant public donor awareness and education campaigns.

In recognition of the advancement in transplantation surgery the IKA joined forces with other interested groups who share a common interest in organ donor awareness under the banner of the Irish Donor Network, which includes:

  • The Cystic Fibrosis Association
  • The Heart & Lung Transplant Association
  • The Liver Transplant Unit, St. Vincent's Hospital
  • Transplant Co-ordinators
  • The Alpha One Foundation
  • The Eye Bank

The Irish Heart and Lung Transplant Association is a voluntary organisation which provides support for  heart, lung(s), heart and lung transplant recipient and their families.

Anam Cara Parent Bereavement Support was formed recently to address the needs of bereaved parents and families and to offer opportunities to support and be supported by parents who have experienced the loss of a child.

Council of Europe campaign to raise awareness of the importance of organ donation

Samantha Bruen's personal blog about Circle of Life Garden and the importance of organ donation.

A very moving and powerful video made by 15 year old Triona Priestley who passed away from cystic fibrosis in April 2014. In this video Triona talks frankly about living with CF and the importance of organ donation.

Official website of the CF Association of Ireland covering a wide range of topics relating to cystic fibrosis.

The Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust is a charitable trust set up to help radically change the treatment of leukaemia and blood related diseases in Ireland. 

"Organ Donation Saves Lives - Know Your Options" - a guide giving facts and statistics about organ donation/transplantation in the UK

A new support organisation for transplant recipients and their families which aims to provide group support, information and social events.

An honest, informative and absorbing blog written by the mother of a kidney recipient and wife of a living donor.

A very interesting and informative diary/blog of an altruistic living kidney donor in the UK who donated to a complete stranger.

"Organ Donation in Ireland" facebook raises awareness about organ donation options

Follow the activities of the inspirational athletes of Transplant Team Ireland as they participate in various sporting events around the world.

Counselling Directory was set up to connect visitors with a wealth of information and the ability to search for the most suitable counsellor or psychotherapist.

An Irish eGovernment website providing public service info for Ireland.

Features up-to-date news and views on all health related topics and issues.

"Lifegivers" BBC Programme looks at the life-saving world of organ and tissue donation and was with patients as they were told they were having a transplant. Between April 2008 and March 2009, almost 2,500 organ transplants were carried out across the UK.

The Organ Donation and Transplant Directorate of the NHS provides support and information relating to organ donation within the UK including Northern Ireland.

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service encourages us all to share life by donating blood.

An interesting US website which might be a useful resource for anybody interested in learning about blood and blood donation.

The Donor Family Network, based in the UK, is run by donor families to support donor families and to promote organ and tissue donation.

Legacy of Life was founded by Sue and Richard Cansdale after their only daughter, Zoƫ, became a tissue donor in 1998. It represents all those whose lives have been touched by transplantation.

A link to an advertisement on organ donation, produced by a student for a media project.

To Transplant & Beyond - an inspirational organ recipient website celebrating man's potential to achieve at both a humanitarian and personal level.

Information and services for end of life matters in Ireland

Other links - Mike Scott - Eleanor Shanley - Sharon Shannon - Eddi Reader - Andy is a successful Irish singer/songwriter who received the gift of a life saving kidney in 2001.

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