Waiting for a donation
Living in hope
For many people who are awaiting organ transplants, it can often be a very long wait. It can be a time of great physical suffering, worry and anxiety, and only those in this situation can truly understand the daily fears underlying this wait. But one of the great gifts of humanity is its potential to rise above and beyond its physical circumstances, and we see constantly this great strength in those who don’t look on this wait as if their lives are on hold, but continue to fully live life in hope and anticipation of a new future.
In life, if adversity is visited on us, we often have no choice but to accept its presence, and live in hope of change for the better. What defines us uniquely as humans, however, is in having choice as to the attitude we adapt to our circumstance and this alone is the consideration that can liberate us and elevate our lives to a place of beauty beyond pain.
Life is a very special gift and for each of us it is very different. It is an individual journey never before or never again in the history of mankind to be repeated; truly unique. In one form or another pain and suffering are part of that journey. If we see these as something that inevitably limit the potential of our lives, then we will remain as one of life’s victims and casualties.
If alternatively, we see them as an additional obstacle to be overcome and, as a consequence, we have to dig deeper into the armory of human possibility; courage, perseverance, patience, tolerance and hope – then we are beginning to follow the true signposts that guide us on life’s great journey from fear to faith, from self to selflessness and from anger to compassion and forgiveness. In this way we begin to see pain, not as an inexplicably futile and vexatious intrusion but rather as something with profound purpose and meaning in our lives. This great courage and belief in the future is nowhere more manifested than in the lives of those awaiting organ transplants.
Noreen's story
Hi, I have Chronic Renal Failure due to Polycystic Kidney Disease and I am on CAPD Dialysis since September 2011.
Colin's Story
My name is Colin Fitzpatrick. I am 54 years old. I have the Hepatitis C virus. I was diagnosed with it in September 2001, having contracted it from a life saving blood transfusion in 1979. I was showing symptoms which I could not explain, but following a visit to my GP and a subsequent blood test, my GP informed me I had the virus.
Jim's story
My name is Jim; I’m a married man from Dublin with a young family of three girls. I was diagnosed four years ago with Fibrosing Alveolitis a name I had never heard of before, Fibrosing Alveolitis is a serious disease that causes inflammation and scarring of the alveoli (the tiny air sacs of the lungs) and lung tissue next to alveoli.
Bridie - a mother's story
Michaela Morley was born on 17 December, 2004 with polysistic kidneys, thus in renal failure, among numerous other medical complications. Michaela started on haemodialysis when she was eighteen months old.
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