Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness



In recognition of the fact that the operation and practice of the life giving cause of organ donation transcends national boundaries, a stone to represent organ donors from each continent was included when creating the Circle of Life Garden.

The stones chosen were sourced from iconic heritage sites in their respective continents, and were each presented as a gift to the Irish commemorative garden.  Included are stones from:  Madurai in India, Cape Town in South Africa, Melbourne in Australia, Ellis Island in New York, representing the Americas and Leuven in Belgium.


To reciprocate this gesture of international solidarity and help promote a broader vision of possibility for the cause of donation, this global commemorative event was initiated.

The actual genesis for the event emerged following the gifting of the sculpted candle by the people of Galway to the City of Belfast, a gesture of cross-border cooperation and friendship. It  was unveiled in 2016 and is located in the beautifully sited and prestigious Botanic Gardens in the centre of Belfast, demonstrating the commitment to, and high regard in which organ donation is held in the North of Ireland.

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