Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


Thank you for your support

Thank you for your support of Strange Boat Donor Foundation and continued interest in Circle of Life Garden.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported Circle of Life Garden through donations and sponsorship of the project.  A full list of people who have supported the project and with whom we have had direct contact is available on the Circle of Life webpage.


Since the garden opened at the beginning of May '14 - to mid April '15, the generous sum of €5,410 was collected in the donation boxes located at the Salthill Hotel entrance to the garden, and at the main entrance from the prom.   

September, 2014

Representatives of the Team Healthcare at Resource Support Services Ltd., who provide services at many of Ireland's Hospitals, presenting a cheque for €3,067.75  to Denis & Martina Goggin of Strange Boat Donor Foundation at the Circle of Life Commemorative Garden in Salthill.  This money was raised through various activities including two fund raising and awareness days at Beaumont and Limerick Hospitals, and a car wash and coffee morning at their Dublin Head Office in Santry.
From left:  Aine Hillary, Resource Health Sector Manager;  Denis & Martina Goggin, Strange Boat Donor Foundation;  Rachel Naylor, Resource Health Sector Manager;    Susan Orr, Health Care Operations Manager, Beaumont Hospital; (back) Fionuala and Cathal Keogh, Mocha Beans, Galway;  Jimmy McMahon, Security Supervisor at University Hospital Limerick;  John O'Reilly, Health Sector Security Operations Manager at University Hospital Limerick.

The community of Skagh, near Woodford in Co. Galway raised €3,500 for Circle of Life Garden through this year's  Looscaun Vintage Tractor Charity Run.  At an event in Skagh Community Centre, a cheque was presented by members of the committe to Denis Goggin (right) of Strange Boat Donor Foundation. (from left)  Paul Tuohy;  Anthony Hooban and Gerard Lyons.  A further cheque/donation for €3,015 was presented by the community to Strange Boat Donor Foundation.

August, 2014

Galway/Salthill Rotary nominated Circle of Life Garden as a recipient for one of its monthly "Kick-the-Wall" donations earlier this year. The President of the Club, Padraic Moran and Club member Michael O'Hare, presented a cheque to Denis to help with the ongoing maintenance of the garden.  Salthill/Galway Rotary has been actively supporting projects for the benefit of the local community since 1986.

July, 2014

Galway Anaesthetist, Joey Costello, presenting a cheque for €1,800 to Martina & Denis on behalf of  The College of Anaesthetists who raised the funds through their annual charity golf event.

As the maintenance and upkeep of this entirely voluntary commemorative garden is dependent on the generosity and support of its very welcome visitors, donations, no matter how small, are most important and much appreciated.

Little Liam Relihan, with his mother, Agnes and sister Elizabeth from Limerick,  presenting Denis with a donation when they visited garden while on holidays in Salthill.

Míle buíochas díobh uilig.

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