Increase in Kidney Transplants
The number of kidney transplants increased by 150 per cent in the first two months of this year compared with January and February in 2010, but overall decline in organ donations last year.
However, according to David Hickey, Transplant Surgeon and Director of Transplant Services at Beaumont Hospital, there could be considerable variation in the number of organs donated from month to month and even year to year.
Read full report by Kitty Holland in the Irish Times, 11th March, 2011.
In a report by Dr. Muiris Houston in the Irish Times of 3lst January, concern was expressed at the overall decline in organ donations during 2010. Just 58 deceased donors gave organs last year compared to 90 donors in 2009. As a result, 92 fewer transplants took place in 2010.
Read full story:
Editorial in the Irish Times, Saturday, 5 February