Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


Photographic Project on Organ Donation

"My name is Amy Plant and I am planning a project for my final year of a BA Honours Degree in photography, to do a series of portraits of people who have received organ transplants.  As my Mam became an organ donor following her death earlier this year, this is a subject very close to my heart."

"Earlier this year, my Mam, Valerie, died after spending three weeks in Naas Hospital intensive care following a massive brain haemorrhage. She was only 55. It came as a huge blow to myself, my Dad, Patrick and my sister Naomi.

My Mam was a huge believer in giving, and was intensely involved in charity, Chernobyl aid in particular. My family and I, even though devastated, had no doubt in our minds that organ donation is what my Mam would have wanted. Her liver and kidneys were successfully transplanted. It gives us comfort to know that my Mam's last act was to save the lives of three people, I know that she would have been happy with that.

I have a project in mind for my 4th year grad show and, as Organ donation is a subject very close to my heart, for my project, I am planning to do a series of studio portraits of people who have received organ transplants. I want to look at organ donation for what it is, a beautiful amazing thing. That something so incredible can come out of sadness, helping not only the people who receive the organs, but also the families of the donors.
I know it wont be for everyone but I’m hoping there are some people who might like to get involved.  Of course, I realise what a sensitive subject this is and as such, I want the project to develop as I meet the participants, making it a genuine representation of organ donation and what it means to so many people.

I don't have strict idea of what this series should be. I'll be willing to photograph anyone who wishes to get involved, man, woman or child though I do think it would be interesting to meet some of the younger generation of recipients and show that it's not just older people who are in need of transplants. I would really like to meet some recipients around my own age also, (I am 24). As a member of a donor family I realise that this is an issue very close to the heart not just for recipients but also donors. I would also be more than willing to photograph people on dialysis and people awaiting various transplants.

While it is for my 'end of year show' and won't be exhibited until next year, I plan to start shooting as soon as I return to college in September. The longer I have to develop the project the better it will be. I am located in Dublin/Wicklow but I am more than willing to travel to wherever is necessary.  While every image I shoot may not be displayed in the final show, everyone who participates will receive the files of their own images.

The IADT graduate show gets quite a lot of press, especially in the art world, and I think it could go a little way to raising awareness about organ donation which last year, sadly, saw a decline in organ donors.

I thank you for taking the time to read this, and I invite anybody interested in the project to contact me at":



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