Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


"A decisive moment for organ donation"

As the Oireachtas Health Committee evaluates the Human tissue Bill, Prof. Jim Egan consultant respiratory physician at the Mater Hospital in Dublin writes in the Irish Times (Thursday, 25the April) that this is "a decisive moment for organ donation in the Republic".

Read Prof. Egan's opinion in:


A very interesting discussion on TV3 Midweek with Joe Brolly and Dr. David Hickey


This debate is also covered in the IKA Support Magazine Winter edition 2012.

Read the full report and other interesting and relevant stories

"In our view, the positive aspect of organ doantion and the enormous consolation given to donor families through the gift of life would be diminished if legislation was put in place that would lessen the family's autonomy in the decision-making process". -  Department of Organ Procurement, Beaumont Hospital 

"Ten years of presumed consent law in Spain had no significant impact on organ donation rates. They simply cannot go against the wishes of the next of kin...You cannot presume a grieving family will allow you to remove organs". -   Irish Kidney Association.

"A presumed consent system was introduced in Brazil in 1998 without the support of medical institutions which was subseqently reversed in 2001, and pointed to the public mistrust relating to organ retention..of concern is the public and professional opinion that presumed consent undermines the fundamental principle of organ donation as a life-saving gift". - Liver Transplant Unit, St. Vincent's Hospital.


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