Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


2013 a record year for organ transplantation

2013 was a record year for organ transplantation in Ireland according to the the Annual Report of the HSE’s National Organ Donation and Transplantation Office, with 294 transplants carried out in Irish hospitals compared to 275 in 2011.

This inaugural report of the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Office (NODTO), which was established by the HSE in 2011, was launched by the Minister for Health, James Reilly on Wednesday, 28th May, 2014.

The NODTO was initiated to provide governance, integration and leadership for organ donation and transplantation in Ireland. The office is responsible for:

*  The development, coordination and management of a strategic framework for organ donation and transplantation.

*  Informing the continual develoment of services and ensuring best use of resources.

*  Facilitating an integrated team approach to organ donation and transplant services within Ireland.

For further details:

To read the full report:

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