Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


Heart & Lung Transplant Mass of Remembrance

Each year the Irish Heart & Lung Transplant Association hold a Mass of Remembrance & Thanksgiving at the Mater Hospital Chapel to remember their donors and their families and to give thanks for their gift of life.

This year's Mass was held on 21st February and was attended by heart and lung transplant patients and their families from across the country, as well as members of donor families.  Martina Goggin of Strange Boat Donor Foundation, representing donor families, brought the Donor Candle to the altar before the service began.  


martina  with candle

altar with candles

Committee Members of the IHLTA  following the service with Martina (third from left) - Robert McCutcheon, Brendan Gilligan, Romy Moloney, Matthew Cummins and Paddy O'Mahony

Heart  & Lung Transplant Ass

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