Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


In Memory of Luke Daniel O'Brien May

The family of the late Luke Daniel O'Brien May from Limerick recently visited the Circle of Life Garden in Galway where they planted a holly bush in Luke's memory.

Eighteen year old Luke Daniel died suddenly in June, 2017 and his organs were donated for transplantation.  In his memory, his mother, Bríd who works in the University of Limerick, organised the annual 8k run/5k walk to raise funds for a charity of the family's choice.  They chose Strange Boat Donor Foundation and the Circle of Life Garden in Galway having attended the global organ donor commemorative event in the garden on November 30th last. 

A total of €1,045 was raised from this annual charity run/walk and a further €80 was raised through a local coffee morning.  Strange Boat Donor Foundation very much appreciates this wonderful gesture of support for the work of the Foundation.

Pictured in the Circle of Life Garden, Bríd (third from right), her husband Denis, sons Ross and Paul and Bríd's sister, Áine and her husband Mark (on left)

The following is an excerpt from Bríd's communication with all those who participated and supported the fundraising event at UL in December last.

On behalf of the organising committee I would like to sincerely thank all of you for coming out and supporting our Annual Fund Raising Run.  Between participants and donations the total raised was €1,015 which is the most we have ever managed to collect to date.   On a personal note, I greatly appreciate you taking the time and effort to run this year in memory of my Son Luke, who my family and I are lost without.  He would have been appalled at my finishing time but something for me to work on for next year. 

 Unfortunately, viral encephalitis is only diagnosed by process of elimination and time is of the essence.  The Encephalitis Society is based in the UK.  They do not have an Irish equivalent and you cannot direct any funds raised to research as the society decide how funds are distributed.  I choose the Strange Boat Donor Foundation who in conjunction with Organ Donation and Transplant Ireland (ODTI) raise awareness and promote the cause of organ donation and transplantation in Ireland and globally.  The Circle of Life national organ donor Commemorative Garden in Salthill is a beautiful place to visit and was formally opened in 2014.  There are no paid executives with the Foundation.

 Many thanks, and hopefully we will see you all back again for next year’s run


Bríd O’Brien-May

Institute & Financial, Senior Executive Administrator, Bernal Institute/MSSI, University of Limerick

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