Human Tissue Bill passed by the Dail
The Human Tissue Bill was passed by the Dail. The Bill now proceeds to the Seanad.
Organ donation and transplantation
The Human Tissue Bill introduces a soft opt-out system of consent for organ donation. Under this system, consent for organ donation will be deemed unless the person has, while alive, registered his/her wish not to become an organ donor after death. This is a change from the current system where decisions on organ donation are the responsibility of the next-of-kin and assumes that an individual has a desire to donate their organs after their death unless they make a statement of objection to donation.
Although the wishes of the deceased should be central to any decision, families will continue to be consulted as part of a safe and respectful organ donation process.
The Bill further provides a framework for the donation of organs and tissues and cells from living donors including the introduction of a legislative basis for non-directed altruistic living donation.
It is anticipated that these measures will help increase the donor pool in the State and will encourage organ donation to save lives in circumstances where this is possible.