Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


Students' initiative on Organ Donation

"Organ-ise Yourself", Good Counsel College Wexford's initiative to spread Awareness of Organ Donation

We, the students at Good Counsel College in Wexford, choose this project to raise awareness of organ donation. We noticed this was a serious issue and that a lot of students, particularly first years didn’t know about. We did this so we could participate in the Young Social Innovators award, which was showcased in the RDS Dublin on the 05/05/09. So far our class has handed out over 600 donor cards at parent teacher meetings and at the school open day.

We interviewed a person who has received an organ, and got a view of what it is like to live with this. We went to Croke Park for the world kidney day ceremony and listened to the doctors, and Jason Sherlock who talked about donation and the importance of keeping healthy and not damaging your kidneys. We helped in our town with a collection for the Irish Kidney Association and did very well.

We traveled to Dublin to a meeting in the Mansion House for the launch of organ donation week, which featured Minister for Health, Mary Harney and television/ radio presenter, Ryan Tubridy. In the mansion house we showed our project and talked about what we have done so far to help raise awareness of organ donation. Earlier on in the year we made a promotional DVD, which showed people, the facts about organ donation in a light hearted manner. The DVD was played throughout the meeting in the Mansion House. We sent our projects to the Offaly, Cork and the Dublin branches of the Irish Kidney Association.

Overall we think people had a positive reaction to our project and as a result of it we believe more people are carrying donor cards.








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