Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness


2009 Media Spotlight on Organ Donation

During 2009, there was considerable media focus on organ donation and here we highlight just some of the television and radio features, including on RTE's Late Late Show, Liveline, Mooney Show, Six One News and on various TV3 programmes.

Some of these programmes are listed here and it is still possible to view/listen to the broadcasts through their links.


Liveline  - Organ Donation Saves Lives - 14 December 2009.  The mother of a young boy who received a life-saving liver donation urges people to talk to their families about becoming organ donors over Christmas.

The Late Late Show, October 9th carried an interview with Vivienne Traynor, RTE Journalist, who donated a kidney to her nephew, highlighting the importance of the "Living Donor Programme".
(last section of the programme)

On Liveline, Monday, 14th September, Joe Duffy spoke with award winning writer, Frank Deasy about his wait for a liver transplant.  Sadly, though Frank got a call for a transplant, the operation was not successful and he died that same week, on Thursday, 17th September.  Franks' interview, however, raised huge public discussion and awareness of the importance of organ donation and during the days following the interview, Joe spoke with many others awaiting life giving transplants and also spoke with family members of donors.  On Tuesday, (15th September) Health Minister, Mary Harney gave details about the proposed new organ and tissue legislation, and the calls and discussion continued through the week.


On The Mooney Show on RTE Radio l (Tuesday, August 18th), Aileen Counihan, one of the senior transplant coordinators at Beaumont Hospital gave very comprehensive details of what is involved once a suitable donor has been identified.  

The full interview can be heard on rte's website  -


The Morning Show on TV3 (18th August)  took a comprehensive look at organ donation and particularly living donor transplants. This show also featured an interview with Professor Peter Conlon of Beaumont Hospital on the general question of organ donation in Ireland, and spoke with Harry Ward one of 19 athletes, before he left for Australia to participate in the 17th World Transplant Games which took place from 23rd to 29th August.

See the full feature on:


On RTE's Six One News (Friday, 31st July) Samantha Libreri reported on Ireland's record on transplants, on the concern over transplant waiting lists, and on the growing campaign to set up a National Transplant Office.

See the full report on


TV3's Ireland Am show on Tuesday 24th March, highlighted the need for organ donation, as part of Organ Donor Awareness Week.

View link to TV3 Am Programme:


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