Strange Boat - Organ Donation Awareness



Living Gift Transplant Support Group

Living Gift is a new support organisation for transplant recipients and their families which aims to provide group support through social events organised throughout the year.

Read more: Living Gift Transplant Support Group


Increase in Kidney Transplants

The number of kidney transplants increased by 150 per cent in the first two months of this year compared with January and February in 2010, but overall decline in organ donations last year.

Read more: Increase in Kidney Transplants


Commemorative Garden Plans Announced

Plans for "Circle of Life", the National Garden of Commemoration and Thanksgiving to all organ and tissue donors were announced at Croke Park earlier in 2011, when the GAA highlighted the importance of organ donor awareness, and commended the creation of this very special national commemorative garden.   Full details about this planned garden under "Circle of Life".

Read more: Commemorative Garden Plans Announced


Working Quietly in the Background

There are many stories to be told of how people, who were given the gift of life through organ transplantation, work quietly and tirelessly in their own individual way to promote organ donor awareness. Danielle Walsh is one such person.

Read more: Working Quietly in the Background


Ireland's first transplant keyhole surgery

The first transplant operation to be performed in the State using keyhole surgery took place in Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, recently when Cathal Mooney received a kidney from his sister Kate.

Read more: Ireland's first transplant keyhole surgery


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